Samples of my code
I've pulled the very old stuff that used to be here. Instead I'll point
you to my
Github repos
and highlight some of them below.
Python / AI
My main repo for this is
deepstack which has
tools I've written to make creating YOLOv5 object recognition models
for DeepStack to use with security cameras from images from those
VB / automation
My main repo for this is
Homeseer which is
code I wrote to extend functionality of the Homeseer automation system.
Java Swing / automation
My main repo for this is
MyMonitor which is
tool I wrote to monitor various things on my network and attempt to fix
issues and or alert me to them.
Java CLI / code generation
My main repo for this is
genSpring which is
tool I wrote to convert Google sheets to Spring Boot web apps with a
choice of DB back ends. It will also create a web app front end for
Java CLI / CLI to web API
My main repo for this is
Etekcity which is
tool I wrote to add Etekcity smart plug control to other apps and
systems like Homeseer.
Java cordova / Phone app
My main repo for this is
which is basic proof of concept for a proposed project.
LSL / Second Life
My main repo for this is
SL which is some personal
stuff I did while adding a deaf interface to Second Life for IBM.
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