
Description: Garden
Data Last Updated: 2009-03-08 13:14:53.0
Page of 5 items per page

113 pics are linked to this object.
2014-6-23 Grapes coming in (857 kb) Edit it Updated 07-27-15 (07-27-15)
2012-7-15 O4221665_sm_af.png (651 kb) Edit it Updated 12-31-69 (12-31-69)
2010-11-20 This weeks harvest (169 kb) Edit it Updated 11-21-10 (11-21-10)
2010-11-20 Wb200179_cl.jpg (145 kb) Edit it Updated 11-20-10 (11-20-10)
2010-11-20 Wb200180_cl.jpg (161 kb) Edit it Updated 11-20-10 (11-20-10)
2010-11-20 Wb200181_cl.jpg (171 kb) Edit it Updated 11-20-10 (11-20-10)
2010-11-20 Wb200182_cl.jpg (174 kb) Edit it Updated 11-20-10 (11-20-10)
2010-11-14 Picked for 11/14 breakfast (146 kb) Edit it Updated 11-21-10 (11-21-10)
2010-11-13 Picked for 11/13 breakfast (132 kb) Edit it Updated 11-21-10 (11-21-10)
2010-11-5 All the garden is on wheels now. (234 kb) Edit it Updated 11-21-10 (11-21-10)
2010-8-26 Corn is coming along nicely. (256 kb) Edit it Updated 11-21-10 (11-21-10)
2010-8-15 This just does not look right (396 kb) Edit it Updated 11-21-10 (11-21-10)
2010-8-4 This 1 is tassling out way too early. (334 kb) Edit it Updated 11-21-10 (11-21-10)
2010-8-4 Patio extended enough to hold 8 tubs. (225 kb) Edit it Updated 11-21-10 (11-21-10)
2010-7-12 7 tubs in place on the patio extension. (224 kb) Edit it Updated 11-21-10 (11-21-10)
2010-6-21 Brought out 4 tubs to get more sun (207 kb) Edit it Updated 11-21-10 (11-21-10)
2010-6-10 Last of the tomatoes (207 kb) Edit it Updated 11-22-10 (11-22-10)
2010-6-8 Blakie guarding the plants (266 kb) Edit it Updated 07-24-13 (07-24-13)
2010-6-5 The only usable jalapeno I got off the first bush (182 kb) Edit it Updated 11-22-10 (11-22-10)
2010-6-3 3 more not so big tomatoes (190 kb) Edit it Updated 11-22-10 (11-22-10)
2010-5-30 The only plums my tree has produced in 15 years. (188 kb) Edit it Updated 11-22-10 (11-22-10)
2010-5-25 A nice start on some tomatoes. (188 kb) Edit it Updated 11-22-10 (11-22-10)
2010-5-25 Got some tomatoes coming in. (245 kb) Edit it Updated 11-22-10 (11-22-10)
2010-5-23 Corn looks more like large grass (231 kb) Edit it Updated 11-22-10 (11-22-10)
2010-5-23 Onions (center) are coming nicely. (218 kb) Edit it Updated 11-22-10 (11-22-10)
This site maintained by David Abigt