Rolling Thunder Down Home Democracy Tour

Description: Rolling Thunder Down Home Democracy Tour
Data Last Updated: 2003-05-19 14:50:33.0
Name: Rolling Thunder Down Home Democracy Tour
When: 2002/3/23
Comments: An event to try an get people interested in politics and getting involved.
Page of 1 items per page

9 pics are linked to this object.
2002-3-23 Rolling Thunder before the start of the show. (134 kb) Edit it Updated 05-19-03 (05-19-03)
2002-3-23 Things are about to start (152 kb) Edit it Updated 05-19-03 (05-19-03)
2002-3-23 Jim Hightower Welcomes the crowd. (355 kb) Edit it Updated 05-19-03 (05-19-03)
2002-3-23 Molly Ivins is up as the first speaker. (300 kb) Edit it Updated 05-19-03 (05-19-03)
2002-3-23 Molly Ivins is a local favorite. (143 kb) Edit it Updated 05-19-03 (05-19-03)
2002-3-23 Michael Moore waits to speak. (150 kb) Edit it Updated 05-19-03 (05-19-03)
2002-3-23 Michael Moore tells the crowd to get involved. (339 kb) Edit it Updated 05-24-03 (05-24-03)
2002-3-23 The crowd has grown! (166 kb) Edit it Updated 05-19-03 (05-19-03)
2002-3-23 Turn out seemed a bit more than they expected. (155 kb) Edit it Updated 05-19-03 (05-19-03)
This site maintained by David Abigt